
What are ELC's Terms and Conditions?

Click here to read ELC's current Terms and Conditions.

What documents do I need to enrol at ELC?

ELC's General English course is open to all adult applicants. There are no specific requirements. The only document you need to fill in is our enrolment form. It is available online or as a pdf. Other courses require a minimum level of English, so to enrol in those, you will need to take our level test.


Where do ELC's students come from?

ELC students are all international students, coming here to study English. In our day course, on an average day, you will find students from about 30 countries at school! Every student comes with an eagerness to meet people, learn about different cultures and make new friends, so this is a great chance for each of you to practice English every day.


Can I join several courses?

Many of students combine different courses throughout their studies with us and we highly encourage them to do so. Many start with a General English course and then move on to an Academic English or Business English course when they reach the required level. When you arrive at ELC you will have a speaking interview with our Director of Studies or one of our Senior teachers. They will assess your level and you will be able to discuss your interests, needs and future plans. From there on, we will be able to customise a study plan to help you reach your goals.


When do I need to pay?

Payment is usually required 8 weeks before you start your course. However, depending on the extra services you would like us to arrange for you (such as accommodation) your payment may be required earlier. In any case, your payment due date will be stated on your invoice and a confirmed place at ELC will be secured once all fees have been received as outlined on your invoice.

How can I pay?

ELC accepts payment via credit card and direct deposit. We also accept payment via Flywire. If you are already in Kuala Lumpur at the time of enrolment, you could also come to pay in cash.


What if my chosen accommodation option is not available?

With all accommodation types and room types, you have a lot to choose from. However, some are very popular so when you compare all options and choose your favourite one, also tell us what your second preference is in case your preferred option is no longer available. This will save time in the process.

When should I book my accommodation?

It is up to you but the earlier you book, the more options will be available, so we recommend that you look through our range of options at the same time as you book your course and book both at once. In any case, if you would like ELC to arrange accommodation for you, you need to book minimum 4 weeks before you arrive.

Which accommodation option do you recommend?

ELC offers a number of apartment accommodation options of different standards but all are excellent value for money.

First Day

What should I bring on my first day?

Please bring your passport, as well as stationery for your first classes (a notebook and pens).

At what time should I come on my first day?

You should come to school at 9:00 on your first day. Simply introduce yourself to our receptionist and we will guide you from there.


What are my visa options?

The majority of ELC students study on one of the following 2 visas: a visitor visa or a student visa. With a visitor visa, you can study with us for 2-12 weeks, either part-time or full-time at your convenience. You will not be allowed to work but will be able to combine study and travel in Malaysia. To qualify for a student visa, you need to enrol for a minimum of 16 weeks full-time. You can find all information you need on visas from EMGS (Education Malaysia Global Services) or via this link.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

How is Cancellation and Refund Policy ?

ELC Cancellation and Refund Policy

  1. For cancellation of your English language program the following terms and conditions apply to your enrolment fee, tuition fee, material fee and student visa processing fee.
  2. The enrolment fee and student visa processing fee are non-refundable in all cases.
  3. For program cancellation with more than 28 days notice, ELC will retain the enrolment fee only.
  4. For program cancellation with less than 28 days notice, ELC will retain the enrolment fee and 25% of the tuition fees.
  5. For program cancelations on or after the date of commencement, there will be no refund.
  6. For program cancellations due to refusal of a student visa, ELC will retain the enrolments and student visa processing fees only. Your student visa deposit and Overseas Student Health Cover or Insurance fees are fully refundable, such fees will be refunded within 14 days when ELC received the refunded amount from EMGS.
  7. The term program used above refers to your entire enrolment at ELC and can encompass a combination of several courses.
  8. Additional refund policies apply for any extra services you have booked including but not limited to accommodation.
  9. If you defer your program and later cancel it prior to your new start date, the cancellation policy will apply from your original course start date, not your deferred start date. This is relevant as it determines whether point 3, 4 and 5 applies to your potential refund.
  10. Refund requests will be processed within four weeks. If you enrolled through an education agent, the fees will be refunded to that agent.
  11. Program fees are not transferrable to another person or institution.
  12. In the event that a student fails to complete a program of study, ELC is not obliged to return any part of the fees paid.
  13. In the unlikely event that ELC cancels a course before its commencement, you will receive a full refund within 2 weeks

Bildungsulaub (German educational leave)

Does ELC have any Bildungsurlaub accreditations?

Yes, ELC’s Intensive General English daytime course is recognized by the states of:

  • Berlin
  • Brandenbourg
  • Bremen
  • Rheinland-Pfalz
  • Saarland
  • Sachsen-Anhalt
  • Schleswig-Holstein
  • Hessen
  • Niedersachsen

Note that ELC’s Intensive General English daytime course includes 27hrs/w tuition. If the state you are applying for your Bildungsurlaub through requires you to attend minimum 30hrs/w, you will be required to complete an extra 3hrs/w of one-to-one lessons.

What courses can I enrol into in order to qualify for Bildungsurlaub?

ELC’s Intensive General English daytime course is recognised for Bildungsurlaub applicants. Note that enrolling into this course gives you access to any of ELC’s Special Focus Modules (elective classes) and English Extras (optional classes) offered at your level. This includes Special Focus Modules such IELTS Exam Preparation (5hrs/w) and English Extras such as Business English (5hrs/w).

Do I need to attend extra classes for my Bildungsurlaub application to be valid?

The number of study hours you need to attend depends on the state you are applying through.

  • If the state only requires you to attend 25hrs/w, you may skip 2hrs of afternoon conversation classes or 2hrs of English Extras on Fridays.
  • If the state requires you to attend 27hrs/w, you are required to attend all classes offered.
  • If the state requires you to attend 27.5hrs-30hrs/w, you are required to attend all classes offered as well as complete an extra 3hrs/w of one-to-one lessons.